27Jun2013 13:15:02
Let's read these old stories and think?
Brazil could help other countries and not improve the salaries of doctors?
Must open bidding to hire professionals through competitions healthcare!!
What has your country done about it?
What I see are sent resumes to hiring temporary and under the carpet?
We have medical universities, and we have a MEC? or not?
Who should take care of the education worthy Brazilian people?
Because here in Rio de Janeiro, the owners of colleges and universities, sell and buy new schools and teachers are not receiving, funds and salaries?
Because the judges know this, not the embargo patrimômio the scoundrel?
What happens in Brazilian judicial and Rio? Accept FRAUD
The worker is injured all the time everywhere!
And wonder why the Brazilian people are unhappy?
Enough with the ball on the beam, I want to score!!
A Brazil with Education, Health and Decent housing for the people!!
Texts taken with quotes from their sources below:
The Health Minister, Alexandre Padilha, inaugurated on Saturday a medical center in the Palestinian town of Dura in the southern West Bank, built with funds donated by the Brazilian government. "It was a very emotional ceremony," said Padilla to Earth at the end of a three-day visit to Israel and Palestine. "The Palestinians in Dura were very grateful for our contribution, which is part of the collaboration of Brazil to help build the Palestinian state," he said. According to Padilla, the $ 10 million donated by Brazil to the Palestinian Authority, $ 4 million are from the Ministry of Health and are being invested in rehabilitation centers and maternal and child treatment. "We consider the contribution to health as part of efforts for peace in this region," the minister added. Palestinians thank the Brazilian people
Nazih Abed, who heads the new medical center of Dura, made a point of thanking "the government and the Brazilian people." "With the donation of Brazil managed to build a medical center that will provide services to the population of southern Hebron district and this will facilitate the lives of about 200,000 people, who previously had to travel 35 km to the city of Hebron and wait for a long time lines to get care, "said Palestinian doctor to Earth. "Now we can offer Health Minister Alexandre Padilha during a reception in Tel Aviv Photo: Guila Flint / Special to Earth Dilma sends money to renovate airports in Cuba By JAILSON RODRIGUES - Members Vanderlei Macris (SP) and Emanuel Fernandes (SP) want to summon the Minister of Economic Development , Fernando Pimentel, to explain lending of $ 176 million to Cuba to modernize airports in the country. To that end, lawmakers had requirements on committees Financial Supervision and Foreign Affairs. Pimentel was responsible for signing in Havana a memorandum of understanding establishing the criteria for the granting of credit for the modernization of five Cuban airports, as reported in "France Press" and "Correio Braziliense". http://www.portalcmn.com/dilma-manda-dinheiro-para-reformar and airports-of-cuba.html Rio de Janeiro, June 27, 2013. Diana Balis.
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